Monday, March 18, 2013

لم حسناتك من هنا

اية بقى .. أنا حبيت أتكلم عن مدى الهذيان اللي احنا بقينا فيه .. عملية تجميع الحسنات وكل ماتجمع أكتر فرصتك في الفوز تكتر .. والحقيقة ده كلام جميل ومنطقي جدا بس مش بالطريقة دي يعني !! يعني ألاقي خير اللهم اجعله خير حد كاتب قول ورايا كذا كذا أنت كده خدت مليون حسنة .. انشرها بقى عشان يكتروا .. يا سلااام إيه الحلاوة دي !!! طب أنتم مصدقين نفسكم .. مقتنعين يعني
هو أولا نحب نقول إن الدين اخلاااق ومعاملة مش نشر كلام ولا كتر تجميع حسنات .. حسناتك هتاخدها لو عاملت الناس كويس وخدمتهم ومكدبتش عليهم ولا اشتغلتهم
المصيبة بقى لما تيجي تبص على مجتمع لم الحسنات ده وتلاقيه عنده حسنات بس بيمشي مشي بطال بمعنى إن احنا من أكتر المجتمعات اللي معندهاش اخلاق ولا دم ولا نخوة ولا ادب بس الحمد لله عندنا حسنات
وده اللي هيخليني اقولكوا لموا حسناتكوا وامشوا .. هع

Monday, June 25, 2012

Time for my resolution list!!

Well..after losing lots of time in bla bla thoughts the past few months, I just decided to update my to do list as it needs some refreshing.

Here we go;
  • Be a better Muslim (ma kontsh kafra la2 :D w brdo msh 3shan Morsi mesek embar7 :D bas its time for some good development step).
  • Be a better human generally (bardo ma kontsh shreera bas its not bad to develop ones self ;))
  • Read .. Read .. Read.
  • Stop worrying about future, be optimistic no matter what (I’ll really try to do my best regarding this decision w rabena yostor :D:D).
  • Get a camera (nedeefa ba2a :D) & go back photographing.
  • Find a good subject for my masters thesis w rabena yostor :D:D.
  • Find some sweet Doctors to be my thesis supervisors w rabena yb3d sharohom 3anna :D.

I guess enough kda le7ad dlw2ty 3shan ma a3odsh aktb aktb w ma a3mlsh 7aga fl a5er :D:D.

Time To Set The Goals & Go Go Go Work For It.

NOTE: This post is just a reminder for me…anyone is reading it (if any) has nothing to do with it :)))

Monday, May 7, 2012

كله هيبقى فل ان شاء الله

أنا باعاني معاناة بقالها مده من خناقة جوة دماغي الغلبانة دي .. خناقة بين أفكاري السوداوية – نكدية أنا أصلي – وبين قناعاتي الشخصية اللي هي إني متأكدة كل التأكد إن اللي بيحصل ده أكيد هو الخير بس مش قادرة أطبق اللي أنا مصدقاه على نفسي للأسف ..خناقة بين أفكار غبية المفروض أبطل أفكر فيها وبين رواسخ دينية المفروض إنها تبقى عندي .. اللي زاد وغطى كمان هو إحساسي بالذنب تجاه نفسي وتجاه ديني وتجاه ربنا إن المفروض ما افكرش بالطريقة المعاقة دي

المهم فضل هذا الصراع الداخلي اللولبي لحد ما سمعت أمبارح حلقة لمعز مسعود – ربنا يباركلة – كان بيتكلم فيها عن التوكل .. مع إني كنت عارفة ومقتنعة بكل كلمة قالها لكن يمكن أما سمعتها من طرف خارجي غير دماغي الموضوع اختلف ..غيرت إلا حد ما كبير جدا طريقة تفكيري المشوهة اللي كنت بفكر بيها .. إحنا فعلا بتوع ربنا بمعنى إننا لا نملك شيء على الإطلاق في هذه الحياة .. ربنا هو اللي بيوديني وهو اللي بيجبني .. هو اللي بيصحيني وهو اللي بيموتني .. هو اللي مخليني أكتب الكلام ده دلوقتي ..هو اللي بيعمل كل حاجة حتى لو بان وظهرلنا إن فيه أسباب خارجية شكلية هي اللي عملت الموقف ده .. في الحقيقة ربنا هو مسبب الأسباب .. هو اللي حطك في الموقف ده .. هو اللي بيمتحنك الإمتحان ده

فالمتوكل على الله لا يرى النتائج تأتي من الأسباب فهو لا يشرك بالله الأسباب .. بمعنى إنه اعمل الصح وسيب الباقي على ربنا وخليك واثق فيه وخليك حسن الظن بالله .. ادعي وصلي واصبر واحمد ربنا على كل حاجة حلوة أو وحشة ماظهر وما بطن .. خليك واثق إن ربنا لما بيبتليك بيبقى بيديك فرصة عشان ترجعله وتدرك حاجات ممكن تكون نسيتها أو حاجات مصدقها نظريا لكن عند التطبيق تدرك قد إيه إنت ضعيف .. بيقولك المتوكل على الله كالميت بين يدي المغسل .. الله طب بذمتكم في حاجة أحلى من كده ..فيه حاجة أحلى من إنك تبقى عارف إنك ليك سند ترمي همومك عليه وتبقى واثق إنه هيعملك الخير .. أنت بس اعمل اللي عليك وارمي همومك وقلقك وخوفك عليه .. متخافش أتأكد انه هيساعدك وهيعملك كل اللي في صالحك ان شاء الله .. استغفر صلي ادعي ثق بالله واحسن الظن بيه أصبر وتوكل عليه هتعيش حياة فل الفل ان شاء الله

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

أحدٌ أحدٌ

عندك مشكلة ؟ ومش عارف تحلها ولا حد عارف يحلهالك ولا أصلا إنت عارف تتحل إزاي ولا منين .. طيب في الحالة دي بتلجأ لمين .. هو واحد مفيش غيره هو اللي يقدر يساعدك في الموضوع ده .. لأ لأ مش الدجال اللي في آخر الشارع ولا الست أم هايدي اللي بتعمل أعمال .. لا سحر ولا شعوذة .. هو مفيش غيره - الله- ربنا هو الوحيد الأوحد اللي يقدر يساعدك تتخطى أي حاجة لو دعيته من قلبك وأنت موقن ومتأكد إنه أكيد هيساعدك ..

مهم جدا إنه يكون لك رب تلجأله .. للاسف احنا بنكتشف الموضوع ده أكتر في الأزمات .. للاسف احنا مش مدركين انه لازم نلجأله في كل حاجة بنعملها .. في كل خطوة بناخدها .. يكون معانا في كل وقت

أصل تخيلوا لو احنا مخلوقين شيطاني كده ملناش كبير .. ملناش سند نلجأله لما الدنيا تقفل في وشنا  .. ملناش حاجة خالص !!..طب إزاي .. الفكرة نفسها مش منطقية ومتعبة جدا .. ربنا هو الوحيد اللي في ايده سعادتك وفي ايده شقاك وما ابتلاك ليعذبك بل ليقربك منه..

من الاخر كده اللي مالوش رب .. مالوش سند !!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Justin Timberlake has just inspired me!!!!

While listening to Justin Timberlake song (what goes around, goes around, goes around….) I always say gosh how I love this song it keeps assuring me that karma is a real bitch - excuse me for my words - but heyyy that’s the reality…every move we take, every action we make, every word we say will come all the way back to us..if you did good it will be back to you good..if you did bad it will be bad..You choose!!

Simple isn't it?!….only one has to take good care of what he says & make, so as not to fall in that trap…it's more of a life equation which tells:
Good manners = Good results.
Bad manners = Bad results.

And see what will happen more if these good manners are mixed with good religious background  شوف أنت بقى :D:D…..already the main base of any religion & I repeat ANY RELIGION is the good manners towards others & not that fake attitudes that we see it in everyday life these days, simply your manners reflect the person you are & by person I mean here the HUMAN you are regardless your religion, color, nationality or whatever else.

And finally im gonna repeat (what goes around, goes around, goes around, comes all the way back around ta ra ra ra). 

لعلة خير إن شاء الله

At that stupid moment that im living right now, where im feeling lost, don’t know what is right to do, totally in a mess like in the middle of nowhere, can’t even determine or draw a picture of where my life is heading to, waiting the unknown, expecting the unexpected & the probability that you care about just an illusion just exists!!

But after such much of mind turbulence & disturbance, I got to the idea which says that I shall surrender to destiny, wait what life may brings, life pushes us towards very hard stupid situations, maybe to teach us lessons, but I believe it teaches us FAITH & PATIENCE.

FAITH & PATIENCE are the magical key words for any serious annoying obstacle that may face us resulting the stupidest feelings ever, those two words are seriously hard to execute in real life, specially at the beginning of any problem, its seriously hard to quit thinking & caring about something you used to think about it.

Well I guess the most important fact in order to be happy & having inner peace & balance is to have FAITH, PATIENCE, HOPE & A BELIEF THAT GOD WILL DO WHAT YOU WISH & NEED AT THE RIGHT TIMING & RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES & IT WILL BE MUCH MORE BETTER THAN YOU HAVE EVER IMAGINED ISAAA :).

Now swear to self that we will do our best to stop all that negative thoughts & release that negative energy in any useful activity & start the other positive way of thinking to reach what we want & need isAAA safely without injuries LOL :D .

Everything will turn out to be perfect isA the way ALLAH planned it :).

و لعلة خير إن شاء الله

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is the worst that could ever happen??!!

Whenever I stuck in a stupid situation I tend to ask myself can it be worse?? What’s the worst thing that it may ever happen anyway?? & I begin to get ready & accepting that worst thing that may occurs.

Well I find this is not a very bad assumption, at least it will eliminate disappointment feeling, life is risky, take it & live your ups & accept your downs or leave it & stand still freezed, your choice anyway.

Risk it better than being freezed in a refrigerator, try & fail better than never, just get ready for failure probability & you got to know that whatever will happen it will make you stronger whether positive or negative.

قطيعة محدش بياكلها بالساهل

Monday, April 2, 2012

Live Simply Please

Can't find other words that speak my mind more than this picture!!!
For God sake ignore society diseases...Sick society will never ever help you find your way or accomplish your dreams....Let go of sick fears, illusions & hallucinations....Just start doing what you love, speak your mind to people (surely without hurting them with stupid words)....


Monday, February 27, 2012

Be Imperfect, I Mean It

Just be yourself, be unique, have your own identity & your own print, don’t ever copy others, be original even if that original side of you is bad, it will be a unique face of badness on your own & by your own ;))

Be yourself with all its defects & errors, your errors just fit you the way you are, no worries, try to fix it surely but if you can’t fix it, then accept it & be happy.

Enjoy being imperfect, sometimes your errors support you in improving your other skills in order to keep balance between perfections & imperfections.

Be imperfect & be satisfied & confident about it, just be happy.

Be informed that others are as imperfect as you exactly!!! :)))))

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, & its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring” Marilyn Monroe.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

الحمير و ولاد الكلب و كائنات أخرى

بيستفزني قوي لما الناس تشتم بعضها وتقول على
فلان ده حمار اصله غبي ….فلان ده شبه القرد … بص تخين إزاي زي الدبة .. فلان ده اصله كلب وابن كلب

مش اللي بيضايقني شتيمة البني ادمين لبعضها الصراحة لأ .. اللي بيضايقني فعلا هي شتيمة واهانة الحيوانات .. ايوه اهانة الحيوانات .. حد عايز يعترض ؟؟!!

أصل لما تفكر كده تلاقي ان صفات الحيوانات انقى وعلى الفطرة التي هي مختلفة تماما عن صفات الإنسان اللي بيشوبها المصالح الشخصية والماديات .. يعني مثلا مش هتلاقي حيوان بيكدب أو بيخون أو بيقتل عن عمد أو حيوانات بتكلم اصحابها عشان المصالح الشخصية بس وما تعدش بقى الصفات الجميلة اللي في الإنسان قد إيه .. وجميلة هنا للتهكم عشان محدش يفهمني غلط

يعني لو حصل ووجدت صفات سيئة في هذه الكائنات فبتكون بسبب غريزة الحيوان وإرادته في البقاء في انه يطارد فريسته مثلا .. حاجة كده ربنا خلقها عشان تحقيق الإتزان في الارض .. يعني الحمار اللي بيتشتم ليل نهار ده عنده قدرة على التحمل أكتر مننا كلنا ويمكن هي دي اللي مخلياه صابر عالأشكال اللي بيتعامل معاها والشتيمة اللي بيسمعها

ده غير بقى أصلا أصلا إن اللي بيتشتموا دول مخلوقات زيها زينا ربنا خلقها و سخرها لخدمتنا مش لشتيمتها .. فـمش من المنطقي ابدا اشتمهم أو اعاملهم وحش

يعني لو تخيلنا اننا ممكن نسمع ونفهم كلام الحيوانات مع بعضها .. ماافتكرش إننا هنسمعهم بيقولوا فلان ده زي الإنسان بيكدب أو فلان ده زي الإنسان بيخون الخ

طب فعلا بقى تخيلوا ن ده حصل وسمعناهم بيشتموا فينا .. طب تفتكروا هنبقى عادي وبيس وسو كول يا مان .. لأ طبعا أكيد هنتضايق ونتشال و نتحط إزاي وإزاي يقولوا علينا كده

إذن لا تعامل الإنسان فقط بما تحب ان يعاملوك به .. لكن .. عامل – أو حاول ان تعامل – كل الكائنات الحية ويمكن غير الحية كمان بما تحب ان يعاملوك به

وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ (17) حَـتَّى إِذا أتَوْا عَلَى وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ (18) فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكًا مِّن قَوْلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ (19) النمل

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Somewhere I Don’t Belong!!

Sometimes, I freak out asking what the hell I’m doing here, in that life among those people???!!!....

All what I know right now that I don’t belong to that place, nor these people, to me it’s just a closed cube embracing empty faces.

I’m sure that this dilemma isn’t mine, the question remains:

Where shall I belong????!!!!!...stupid question & I can’t find an answer to it right now, maybe I won’t find at all, but if I found it then I hope I can find it before its too late!!

I have a belief that I wasn’t created for a purpose of living a life which is not mine, where nothing in it belongs to me, or I belong to it!!!!

And I won’t stop searching!!!

Maybe this blog is just because of a bad mood incident & everything will be just fine later!!!!

YES, I'm crazy & I know it :D!!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Made In China!!

Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it enough seeing made in China signature all over our products – With my respect to China? Isn’t it enough importing others cultures to ours, don’t we have identity nor personality, unfortunately the past regimes made its best in demolishing Egyptian character, made in USA, UK, wherever else became a sign of being chic & stylish. Fashion, technology, architecture, life style whatever else are being imported while none is exported ده حتى الخادمات يا كفرة!!!!

But my problem now isn’t about the above paragraph!! It’s more about our future which seems won’t differ as much than our imported past, seems it will be imported future as well!! Yesterday our respectable assumed revolutionary government was begging money & crying out cuz USA is threatening to cut off its aid. Beggars?? Again?? Seriously?? كفاية شحاتة الله يخرب بيوتكم…

Anyway I see that begging drama as a threat to Egyptians who called for civil disobedience recently – YES, I believe in conspiracy theory – in order to make ordinary citizens بتوع خربتوا البلد believe that the country is really on the danger edge, which I believe its on the danger edge but not because of USA will cut off its aid, but because of our stupid still ruling regime – which didn’t fall till the moment im typing this blog.

So, for me, I’m strongly recommending the civil disobedience idea, even if whoever said that we are destroying our economy, even whoever said this is against religion & make it appear as a guilt. افتكروا سعد زغلول كده أما كان هو كمان بيخرب في البلد .

Advice For Our Respectable Revolutionary Government: You shall confront yourself before confronting citizens that the country is on the rake of failure & if you wanna make a scene, please eliminate begging from it, better to play another game, استرجلوا .

!!!!احنا عايزين حكومة مصري مش صيني

Monday, December 19, 2011

SCAF Shot Me Down Bang Bang!!

Just woke up to meet a horrible REAL nightmare, where people are fine with blood, who cares?!, he/she deserves it, if she was good enough she wouldn’t be there, the country is burning & you are the flame, you don’t understand a damn from what’s going around you, who started this?, who is to blame?, you are giving SCAF the chance to manipulate you, you are giving the Islamists the chance to play the dirty game, you are a bunch of garbage street people who cares if you are dead or alive anyway, the SCAF has the right in doing this, liberals & political people twist facts to serve their secret intentions, bad people must die, and the list of allegations goes to infinity I just can't list it all here.

The nightmare started when I woke up from my sweet dream (The Virtue City), unluckily the REAL social fabric is completely different than we ever imagined, most of people see there is no problem if some people died in the last few months (قالك لكل ثورة ضحاياها), human’s life & dignity is a totally neglected value in that cruel world, FOREST rules rule, he beated me he insulted me, then I have the right to shoot him dead “BANG BANG”!! people have such weird mentality and cruelty, strange contradiction, at the time they say they are against beating the soldier with bricks & that poor soldier has rights that he can't stand protesters insults, they are fine with beating protesters with bullets claiming that real protesters will never go to such sit-in!!!! NO LOGIC, values are mixed up, people are convinced that the victims rights will be back if we waited a while till the parliament formation (sometimes I think, well maybe!!) but my inside doubts can’t believe or even imagine that cruelty & brutality will ever do justice, we are just accumulating layers of injustice, layer after layer, someone told me (دم اللي بيموتوا دول في رقبتكم ) & totally forgot the main source, who initiated this?? they are blaming the people who went out to get “El Sheikh” & the medical student rights, saying be away "take care it’s a trap you fools"!!.

We are blamed for our humanity, we are insulted for demanding human rights & that the blood worth more than any of these hallucinations, we are being addressed as ( بلطجية – أصل انتوا عيال هبلة – السياسة مش كده ).

Now REALLY for GOD sake, who is the right & wrong here, is it me the naive for demanding a fair world & that unjustified killing to be terminated, without listening to the word (أحسن يستاهلوا – دول عملاء ومدسوسين – البت دي بقى 6 ابريل وعميلة ومش لابسة حاجة تحت العباية ), is killing the Sheikh & the medical student just fine & we shall wait till the elections!! Shall we wait till a parliament & then go protest if our needs weren’t met?, shall we shut up & kill our minds to serve elections & that alleged settling down idea??.

Troubled situation, the nation mind is really drugged with some heavy sedatives. In short the conclusion that I had from this massive shock & depressing hopeless arugments is that:

يسقط يسقط حكم العسكر !!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way." Charles Dickens.

Whenever I read the above quote I feel that its describing our schizophrenic selfs cuz we are just a bunch of contradicting souls, we do something & at the same time we criticize others for doing the same!!

Dr Jekyell & Mr Hyde symptoms, all opposing characters are collected in one person & this person is named to be FULL OPTION :D, virtue mixed with sin, saint at one day becomes the devil in the other, morals are mixed & blended up, the good & bad have different definitions now, the wrong is right & the right is wrong!! What a mess??!!!!!

When confusion controls you, when you feel that you are a real psycho “you are anyway :D:D”, when you recognize that you say things & doing the reverse, when people around you swear that you are wrong & you are convinced that you are right & they are some idiots who totally missing it, whenever you feel any of the above, you don’t have any other choice but “انسف حمامك القديم“ :D & repeat on need.

“Here then, as I lay down the pen & proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyell to an end”.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

An Open Ticket For UFOs - Anytime!!

Guess I should represent myself, well I’m an ufo person, yes I know you will say that I’m mad & for real I don’t care :D…!!

I would really like meeting ET – maybe someday I will :D – & I don’t mean meeting ET in person, no, no, you got it far :D, but meeting such a cute creature will help recovering from human side effects!!

Imagine if aliens spread on earth streets, that will cause some manly normal panic “عفريت يا أمه عفريت“ :D, but facts learnt from revolution days – when “evil monsters & ghosts” appeared in streets – that people discover the best in them during panic, protecting & loving each others was a new feeling to us “even though after the 18 days everything went back to its old inhumane rules”!!!

And that proves the theory, if aliens conquered earth – for my imaginary assumption – that would be such an interesting situation, news papers titles – if any – will be “Humans Vs Aliens”, that’s perfect man :D!!

So let me send an open invitation to all planets residents, if you are cute & sweet enough, please come to earth for a while, maybe your visit will turn earth aliens into humans again!!!!!!!

Welcome UFOs :))))))

A Dull Spirit Has Captured Humans!!

The initiation for me to write this note or blog or whatever they call :D was a discussion I had with some people, where at the end of it I got the conclusion that most of people who look very normal "i.e. with no mental problems" had lost interest in their future & are having lack of that ambitious thing!!

Their biggest dreams are about having some good fortune, achieve their basic instincts & FULL STOP!!!......

That made me think what’s the difference between humans & animals now??!!!....GOD gifted us brains to make us different, think & act differently than animals “even Gorillas, yes :D:D”!!...But frankly speaking what’s happening is very far from that concept!!..

So is it me the weirdo here or what?!!....

Imagining people dreaming of their rights in living is really such a disturbing image....These aren’t dreams anymore, our lives & brains worth more than that….Use Them Please!!

Dreams shall be larger than the world itself “not by volume :D:D”, Simple yet True, Small yet Big….But don't miss the most important part of the story: